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Model: KDWCR
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Cameron of Erracht Modern
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Fraser Red Modern
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Graham Menteith Modern
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Graham of Montrose Modern
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Gunn Modern
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Guthrie Modern
Guthrie Weathered
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Hamilton Green Modern
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Hay Modern
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Henderson Modern
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Hunter Modern
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Johnstone Modern
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Keith Modern
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Leslie Green Modern
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Lindsay Modern
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Livingston Modern
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MacAlpine Modern
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MacArthur Modern
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MacBeth Modern
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MacCallum Modern
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MacDonald Ardnamurchan Modern
MacDonald Clan Ancient
MacDonald Clan Modern
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MacDonald Dress Ancient
MacDonald Dress Modern
MacDonald Lord of the Isles Modern
MacDonald of Clanranald Ancient
MacDonald of Clanranald Modern
MacDonald of Keppoch Ancient
MacDonald of Sleat Modern
MacDonald of the Isles Hunting Ancient
MacDonald of the Isles Hunting Modern
MacDonald of the Isles Red Modern
MacDonnell of Glengarry Ancient
MacDonnell of Glengarry Modern
MacDougall Modern
MacDuff Dress Modern
MacDuff Hunting Ancient
MacDuff Hunting Modern
MacDuff Modern
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MacEwan Modern
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MacFarlane Clan Modern
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MacFarlane Hunting Modern
MacGill Modern
MacGillivray Hunting Ancient
MacGillivray Modern
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MacGregor Hunting Ancient
MacGregor Modern
MacGregor Rob Roy Ancient
MacIan Modern
MacInnes Hunting Ancient
MacInnes Hunting Modern
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MacIntosh Clan Modern
MacIntosh Hunting Ancient
MacIntosh Hunting Modern
MacIntyre Hunting Ancient
MacIntyre Hunting Modern
MacIntyre Modern
MacIvor Modern
MacKay Ancient
MacKay Blue Ancient
MacKay Modern
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MacKenzie Ancient
MacKenzie Dress Modern
MacKenzie Modern
MacKenzie Weathered
MacKinlay Ancient
MacKinlay Modern
MacKinnon Hunting Modern
MacKinnon Red Modern
MacLachlan Ancient
MacLachlan Modern
MacLachlan Old Modern
MacLachlan Weathered
MacLaine Lochbuie Hunting Ancient
MacLaine Lochbuie Hunting Modern
MacLaine Lochbuie Modern
MacLaren Ancient
MacLaren Modern
MacLean Hunting Ancient
MacLean Hunting Modern
MacLean of Duart Ancient
MacLean of Duart Modern
MacLean of Duart Weathered
MacLellan Ancient
MacLennan Ancient
MacLennan Modern
MacLeod Dress Modern
MacLeod of Harris Ancient
MacLeod of Harris Modern
MacLeod of Harris Weathered
MacLeod Red Ancient
MacMillan Hunting Ancient
MacMillan Hunting Modern
MacMillan Old Ancient
MacMillan Old Modern
MacMillan Old Weathered
MacNab Modern
MacNaughton Modern
MacNaughton Weathered
MacNeil of Barra Ancient
MacNeil of Barra Modern
MacNeil of Colonsay Modern
MacPhail Hunting Modern
MacPhail Red Modern
MacPherson Clan Ancient
MacPherson Clan Modern
MacPherson Dress Modern
MacPherson Hunting Modern
MacPhie Modern
MacQuarrie Modern
MacQueen Modern
MacRae Conchra Modern
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MacRae Hunting Ancient
MacRae Hunting Modern
MacRae Red Modern
MacTaggart Ancient
MacTavish Modern
MacThomas Ancient
Malcolm Modern
Marr Green Modern
Marshall Ancient
Marshall Modern
Matheson Hunting Ancient
Matheson Hunting Modern
Matheson Red Ancient
Matheson Red Modern
Maxwell Modern
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Menzies Green Modern
Middleton Modern
Mitchell Ancient
Mitchell Modern
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Morrison Green Modern
Morrison Red Ancient
Morrison Red Modern
Mowat Modern
Muir Modern
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Munro Modern
Murray of Atholl Ancient
Murray of Atholl Modern
Murray of Tullibardine Ancient
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Napier Modern
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New York City Modern
Nicolson Hunting Ancient
Nicolson Modern
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Nithsdale Ancient
Ogilvie Hunting Ancient
Ogilvie Hunting Modern
Ogilvie of Airlie Ancient
Oliphant Ancient
Oliver Modern
Paisley Ancient
Prince of Wales Modern
Ramsay Blue Ancient
Ramsay Red Modern
Rattray Modern
Renwick Modern
Robertson Hunting Ancient
Robertson Hunting Modern
Robertson Red Ancient
Robertson Red Modern
Rose Hunting Modern
Rose Red Modern
Ross Hunting Ancient
Ross Hunting Modern
Ross Hunting Weathered
Ross Red Modern
Roxburgh Modern
Russell Ancient
Russell Modern
Scotland Forever
Scotland Forever
Scott Black/White Modern
Scott Green Ancient
Scott Green Modern
Scott Green Weathered
Scott Hunting Modern
Scott Red Modern
Scottish Odyssey Modern
Scrimgeour Ancient
Seton Modern
Shaw Ancient
Shaw Modern
Shaw Tordarroch Red Ancient
Shepherd Modern
Sinclair Hunting Ancient
Sinclair Hunting Modern
Sinclair Red Modern
Singh Modern
Skene Modern
Smith Ancient
Smith Modern
Stewart Black Modern
Stewart Blue Dress Modern
Stewart Dress Modern
Stewart Dress Weathered
Stewart Hunting Ancient
Stewart Hunting Modern
Stewart Hunting Weathered
Stewart of Appin Hunting Ancient
Stewart of Appin Hunting Modern
Stewart of Appin Modern
Stewart of Atholl Ancient
Stewart Old Sett Modern
Stewart Pr. Charles Edward Modern
Stewart Royal Modern
Stirling & Bannockburn Modern
Stuart of Bute Modern
Sutherland Old Ancient
Sutherland Old Modern
Sutherland Old Weathered
Taylor Ancient
Teviotdale Modern
Thompson Blue Modern
Thompson Camel Modern
Thompson Grey Modern
Thompson Hunting Ancient
Thompson Red Modern
Turnbull Dress Modern
Turnbull Hunting Modern
Tweedside Modern
Ulster Red Modern
United States St. Andrews Modern
Urquhart Broad Red Ancient
Urquhart Modern
USMC Leathernecks Modern
Wallace Hunting Ancient
Wallace Modern
Watson Ancient
Weir Modern
Wemyss Ancient
Wilson Ancient
Young Modern
Waist around Navel Measurement
28.5 inches
29 inches
29.5 inches
30 inches
30.5 inches
31 inches
31.5 inches
32 inches
32.5 inches
33 inches
33.5 inches
34 inches
34.5 inches
35 inches
35.5 inches
36 inches
36.5 inches
37 inches
37.5 inches
38 inches
38.5 inches
39 inches
39.5 inches
40 inches
40.5 inches
41 inches
41.5 inches
42 inches
42.5 inches
43 inches
43.5 inches
44 inches
44.5 inches
45 inches
45.5 inches
46 inches
46.5 inches
47 inches
47.5 inches
48 inches
48.5 inches
Chest Size
36 inches
37 inches
38 inches
39 inches
40 inches
41 inches
42 inches
43 inches
44 inches
45 inches ( +$19.99 )
46 inches ( +$19.99 )
47 inches ( +$19.99 )
48 inches ( +$19.99 )
49 inches ( +$19.99 )
50 inches ( +$19.99 )
51 inches ( +$19.99 )
52 inches ( +$19.99 )
53 inches ( +$19.99 )
54 inches ( +$19.99 )
Height (Ft/In)
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Tartan vest. Classically styled five button vest. Great for everyday dress wear when you can't wear your kilt. Made in Scotland in all of the available reiver tartans. Complimentary color satin adjustable back. Custom made at the time of order please allow 8-10 weeks for delivery.
Write Review
This product was added to our catalog on Sunday 04 April, 2010.
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